Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Festival of the Golden Flute...

This end of week, I'm participating in the festival of the golden flute organised by the malta flute society which started today. The organised events were a competition of musicians playing works by Mro. Charles Camilleri @7 and a Jazz music concert @9.

I had my exam @ 4.20 which finished at around 4.45. Since I don't drive I thought it simpler to spend about 2 hrs looking at some shop windows rather than returning home with a minimum of 1&1/2 hr for both ways using ix-xarabank.

Well with some effort and an amazonic temperature (u fawra tal-beati) 2 hrs passed and I headed straight to St. James to attend the competition. Well 1st person I met when I went told me the greatest of news....the competition had been cancelled due to some ilness of a participant/teacher(dunno which one). Well...(you can imagine my fertile maltese language adjectives describing the situation(enclosed in my soul)). Biex mantawwalx ax j in-nghas...ha naqleb ftit al malti...skuzawni imma ek inhaffef iktar...spiccajt amilt satej ohra***. :)

Flahhar mill ahhar jibda dal kuncert fid-9...kuncert ta veraaaa... jazz pur b'daqxej laqta passjonali... Interessanti kien il fatt li rajt il flute jigi intuzat bhala strument ta jazz..xi haga li mhux soltu narawha. Minn naha l-ohra ma nistax nifhem ghala l-attendenza ma kinitx numeruza ax it-talent ta Kris Spiteri(Piano), Fiorella Camilleri(Flute), Joe Vella(Bass) u Alex Debono(Drums) kien xi haga impekkabli specjalment ghal xi hadd li jhobb dan listil spontanju u modern. Nghid prosit kbira lis-sur Spiteri al bicca xoghol li kiteb huwa stess b'interpretazzjoni tal-genn.

Minn ghada jibdew il-masterclasses...ha naraw xinu j... wish me luck ppls...

Info about festival:

Music video for today, Mr. Mark Richter playing the 1st movement of BWV 1030 Sonata. (Bare in mind that Mr. Richter is not a full time flutist and hence the performance has some mistakes)


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